sapphire skin laser clinic
sapphire skin laser clinic

The application of platelet rich plasma has been documented in many fields, ranging from hard tissue regeneration to soft tissue management. Due to its ability to induce collagen synthesis by dermal fibroblasts, platelet rich plasma has been proposed as a promising treatment option in the field of skin care. 

For a few years, it has been successfully used in numerous skin care applications, including alopecia, scar revision, acne scars, stretch marks, skin rejuvenation and dermal augmentation. For some indications, platelet rich plasma may be used in association with other treatment modalities such as laser, radiofrequency or fat grafting, to improve clinical outcomes.

sapphire skin laser clinic
Advantages of Regen Kits

Platelet rich plasma shortens the different phases of the natural healing process, as it is prepared from autologous blood it eliminates the risk of immune reactions or transmission of infectious diseases. Platelet rich plasma prepared with Regen Kits acts not only as a course of multiple enhanced growth factors, which stimulates cell proliferation, but also as tridimensional (3D) bioactive scaffold, which enhances cell migration and new extracellular matrix deposition.

  • Improvement of skin texture and tone
  • Gradual increase in skin thickness2
  • Can be used for sensitive areas
  • May be combined with other treatment modalities such as laser, radiofrequency or fat grafting to stimulate biological effect. Platelet rich plasma should never be combined with other injectable treatments during the same session.
  • Red blood cells are removed at 99.7%
  • White blood cell levels are drastically reduced, with a preferential depletion (96.7%) of the pro-inflammatory granulocytes
  • Regen Lab separator gel allows for the easy, rapid and consistent preparation
  • Platelet recovery rate is above 80%
  • Platelet concentration factor in Regen Kits is 1.6 fold over baseline value in blood (1.6X) Regen Kits are a fast, one-step, easy-to-use closed circuit system
sapphire skin laser clinic
sapphire skin laser clinic
Frequently Asked Questions
sapphire skin laser clinic
Features and Benefits
  • Fully automated process
  • Simple and easy procedure
  • Process in closed circuit: Blood in, short centrifugation, platelet rich plasma out
  • Blood component separation at the cellular level
  • High recovery (>80%) of fully functional platelets 
  • Low level of undesired cellular contaminants 
  • Anticoagulant comes already in the device

egenlab uses Sodium Citrate as their anticoagulant which is a fully reversible anticoagulant. Sodium citrate is anticoagulant and has a neutral pH (pH=7) and has no ancillary effect on the patient. The benefit for using sodium citrate is that the pH level of the plasma does not change like it would with ACD-A anticoagulant. ACD-A is an anticoagulant often used for other plasma preparation, ACD-A is highly acidic (pH=4.5-5), contains hyperomolar dextrose and triggers more discomfort on application than sodium citrate. The anticoagulant comes already in the tube making it a closed loop circuit.

sapphire skin laser clinic

Jan Marini Skin Research

Jan Marini Skin Research (JMSR) – a San Jose, a USA-based company founded in 1994. We have partnered with JMSR since 2001.

JMSR is a recognised leader and innovator in skincare formulations and is committed to continually expanding and improving the professional skincare market.

JMSR’s primary focus is to provide innovative skin formulation technologies that deliver proven and measurable results.